Thursday, 15 January 2015

Article: Separated Cycle Paths - Who Asks the Cyclists?

Jan Heine argues that experienced cyclists, in cities without a high quality network of separated cycle tracks, have a very different view on creating separated cycle tracks compared to advocates and current non-cyclists:

"Experienced cyclists don’t want to ride on segregated cycle paths (except in the very rare instances where they actually make sense). For the most part, they prefer to share quiet streets with slow-moving cars, rather than ride on “protected” paths that put them in harm’s way at each intersection. And if they have to ride on busy streets, they prefer on-street bike lanes that keep them visible and predictable to other traffic.

On the other hand, if you ask non-cyclists what they would be afraid of – if they were on a bike – many will tell you that it’s cars. To those unfamiliar with riding in traffic, it can make apparent sense to “separate” cars and bikes in order to provide “protection.” But many non-cyclists don’t understand the real risks of riding bikes… which occur at intersections."

Link: Off The Beaten Path: Separated Cycle Paths - Who Asks the Cyclists?

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